Promotion of Environmental Management

Promotion of Environmental Management

Organizational Structure for Pursuing the Environmental Management System

At Hoshizaki, all divisions within the company work to promote environmental improvement activities.

Hoshizaki pursues a system in which all divisions at every plant engage in environmental improvement activities. Each site, as a whole and at each level of each division, establishes targets for improvements to be achieved in the three-year period, based on our companywide goals. Every year, they prepare implementation plans that clarify concrete measures over two-monthly intervals in order to promote their improvement activities.

[Organizational Structure for Environmental Management System Promotion]

Structure for making submissions required by law

Hoshizaki has a structure for making legal submissions.

Laws such as the Energy Conservation Act and the Pollutant Release and Transfer Register (PRTR) Law require submission of a large number of documents. Hoshizaki works to ensure that all legally required documents are submitted without omission. To this end, we have compiled lists for each law, pertaining to air, water quality, noise, vibration, soil, etc., covering the relevant reporting agencies, reasons for reporting, document names, submission addresses, submission dates, legal provisions, etc. Furthermore, we constantly monitor the revision status of each regulation. A single division is designated as responsible for reporting, and they ensure against checklists once a year that we have properly reported all matters required for the current year.
Those laws are not easy for everyone to comprehend even if every employee were to read them. The development and operation of our systems has made it much easier for employees to understand the laws, as well as enabling us to implement legal compliance without omission.

Internal Environmental Auditor

We independently audit our own systems.

The requirements of ISO 14001 include implementation of regular internal environmental auditing, development of independent systems and evaluation of the state of their operation. Every fall, Hoshizaki conducts internal environmental audits of each division at each site.

Skill Enhancement of Internal Environmental Auditors

Hoshizaki strives to enhance the skills of its Internal Environmental Auditors.

Hoshizaki conducts its own annual checks (internal environmental audit) to determine whether the environmental management systems of each business site conform to the environmental rules previously agreed to and whether the rules are being appropriately implemented and maintained.
While these internal audits are conducted by qualified internal environmental auditors, their skills may become outdated over time. In an effort to maintain and improve the skills of internal audit staff, the company conducts skill enhancement seminars each year prior to the audits.
At the seminars, an active environmental auditor, invited as seminar instructor, gives intense practical training based on actual case scenarios, and they refine one another's skills. These opportunities are leveraged in the internal environmental audits that follow shortly after.